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Basic psychotherapeutic skills training courses

The program is based on the theory and practice of Gestalt psychotherapy (hereafter GT) and analytical psychology (hereafter AP).

Description of the course program

The aim of the courses is to introduce the most important theoretical statements of GT and AP about the importance of emotional life, the regularities of formation and functioning, possible difficulties and the possibilities of overcoming them.

Course assignments

• Studies of GT and AP theoretical postulates;

• training of practical methods and training of psychotherapy skills;

• personal psychotherapy.

Course content

1. Studies of theoretical postulates of GT and AP

• The principle of integration in psychotherapy: necessity and difficulties.

• The most important theoretical postulates of AP and GT:

- Interpretation of personality structure and dynamics.

- Personality development, its disturbances and the general concept of pathology.

- Therapeutic relationships and the psychotherapeutic process.

• Basic principles of process-oriented psychotherapy:

- The importance of living in the present and the principle of "here and now";
- Self-concept and the possibility of self-regulation;
- The dynamism of internal structures and the principle of polarization;
- The concept of the principle of the whole and its implementation.

2. Training of practical methods and training of psychotherapy skills:

A. Introduction to the main methods:

• Techniques for training concentration skills;

• Identification, disidentification skills training techniques;

• Dream analysis, association methods and amplifications;

• Development of psychotherapeutic relationship skills;

• Art therapy;

• Other methods of creative expression.

B. Personal experience in a group

In the Work Forms program

• Lectures and seminars during which the main theoretical issues provided for in the program are studied;

• Practical seminars aimed at mastering specific methods and developing psychotherapeutic skills;

• Psychotherapeutic groups for personal experience and personality growth;

• Independent study of theory;

• Independent training of psychotherapeutic skills and description of fragments of practical work

• Presentation and defense of the thesis.

Program scope and implementation

The program is implemented over 1.5 years: 6 seminars.
The scope of this stage is 284 hours. Of these: theory and methodology - 104 hours, 2 independent written works; personal psychotherapy experience in a group - 80 hours; group supervisions (hereinafter - GSPV) - 36 hours; training of practical skills in the interview group - 64 hours.

Independent theory studies, reading recommended literature.

Writing the thesis.

The courses are intended for masters in psychology.

Upon completion of the courses, certificates are issued attesting to their completion.

Course manager - prof. Dr. (HP) Gražina Gudaitė, Jungian analyst, certified gestalt psychotherapist.

Course administrator - Goda Rukšaitė, Jungian analyst, certified gestalt psychotherapist.

The program is implemented by the Public Institution "Practical Psychology Study Center".

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